Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Why is he getting up so often?

So I've started a new job and it requires 16 days of training. Today was my second day on payroll and the first of seminars.

At the beginning of the class this morning we were taking frequent 5 minute breaks so we wouldn't get bored or fall asleep. It was great, some would go for a smoke or just chit chat and I would take out my book and endeavour to cut out a couple pages. After we had lunch and gathered back in the room and despite having just finished a coffee I was feeling quite drowsy.

Maybe 20 minutes into it I found myself holding my pee - hoping I could last until the next break - which I figured would come soon based upon the track record.

I should probably say too, that as my day progresses it is a mission of mine each day to attain good homeostasis via hydration. So being readily available, I had drank about 1 litre of water previous to lunch and only peed once, and that's not including the coffee I had (which is a diuretic of course) and the glass of orange juice I drank before showering plus the glass of milk I drank with my Nutella and Peanut Butter mixture sur mon whole wheat toast. Therefore, in an effort to get properly hydrated I drank roughly 2 litres before having lunch.

So having successfully held my pee for nearly half an hour I went to pee and on the way back to my seat I decided I should have another coffee, since I nearly fell asleep earlier. Half way through the cup I was dying to pee. Luckily we took a break, so off I went.

After the break I topped up my coffee and being anal, poured a cup of water as well to wash my mouth of the nasty after taste and to prevent staining on my teeth. Unfortunately for me I had to pee again within 10 minutes of sitting down again, so I walked from my seat at the very front to the rear where the entrance is located going past all the others and thought to myself "I hope this isn't going to be a reoccurring thing".

Well lo and behold, not even 20 minutes later I was up again walking past all the people in the room on the way to the washroom. This time I was growing paranoid of what the others in the room were thinking. I resolved to make no eye contact at all, trying not to bring attention to myself.

Back at my seat I finished my coffee and as I said earlier being anal - took mouthfuls of water and squished it around my mouth to wash it out a little. I guess the last of the coffee and the many mouthfuls of eau engorged my bladder and I was up again and on my way to the washroom. Still not making eye contact I walked to the opposite end of the room past all the others with the thought of whether or not they suspected I was doing drugs or something.

So, again back at my seat and 10 minutes into a video after we just came back from having a quick break I noticed a stench. Now I have been living in Alberta on and off for the past 5 years and I've noticed a particular smell associated with gas heated homes and buildings. This smell is very similar to rotten eggs, to the point that when I first moved into this house and noticing the smell I would walk around searching for the origin.It wasn't until this fall that I realized it was due to the gas heating. I had walked into my hotel room one day, a full 14 hours after leaving it and noticed an aroma as soon as I opened the door and passed through the undisturbed air. It was a tell tale sign for me - after narrowing down all the variables - that the gas heating was the culprit.

I say this only because this smell was ubiquitous, within the conference area, no better yet it was omnipotent, yes omniPOTENT. Good choice of words because if you remember I said the smell resembles rotten eggs or to a greater and worse degree: fart! Because if you've ever smelled this gas smell it's always mistaken for fart first!

Anyways, as I was saying, I was again on my way to the washroom amidst all the stink. However when I returned to my seat I wasn't fearful of them thinking I was doing lines of coke off the counter, rather that they suspected me responsible for some sort of explosive diarrhea, thus the stench!