Well now things have changed.
And one of those things is that there's friggin seeds in those damn things. It didn't happen when I was a child! I bet you I didn't bite into a single Moroccan Maroc clementine seed until I was 19. And I ate a lot of those fuckers.
So what happened? Did they get unsophisticated and say the hell with making all of them seedless? "Oh yeah we'll just make some of them seedless, just to fuck around with people"
I just bought a box the other day and there are a lot of seeds in them bad boys.
To the point where I'm holding the sections up to the light to see if there are any in it. Because God knows - and so do I - that theres nothing worse than biting into a seed. It just ruins your whole chewing experience. If my neighbours saw me holding my clementine sections up to the light - well I just don't know what they'd think. Maybe they'd say "I bet he's checking his Moroccan Maroc clementines for seeds" not fuckin likely!
I once bit into a bone whilst eating a chicken salad sandwich at Tim Hortons. I didn't get another for 3 years. I eat them on croissants, better texture.
Then the first 3 were OK and then another bone. Then another 4 years and I didn't eat those things. The last time I had one the whole recipe had changed. They have chunks of chicken now.
I'm not fussy
You get some seedless clementines and then you get ones with seeds all in the same box. What's going on? Don't they have quality control in Morocco?
Get your shit in order fellas because this inconsistency is killing me!