I drove home tonight from Parsons' "close friends" bachelor party. We ended up going down town - something I hadn't anticipated. We did however meet up with the corresponding bachelorette party. Then we went back to the hotel we had rented that night.
In order for us to maintain a good time I bought 2 dozen beer and stashed them in a snow bank on the way downtown - to pick up later. I did threaten the cab driver who brought us not to tell where the beer was stashed. To which he said "I don't give a fuck" so that pretty much guaranteed the secrecy of my loot.
We came back from an uneventful excursion downtown and proceeded to carry on the previous festivities.
Well that didn't quite happen. Most of the boys passed out, which left Glenn and I to take advantage of our friends.
We did the usual "put your finger in the warm cup" to see if our friends would pee in their clothes. But that didn't happen.
Glenn and I, after hushed laughter - playing pranks on the boys - decided to go to sleep. Being 4AM and all.
Me being me, I couldn't sleep so I decided to drive home. I wasn't under the influence one bit, I had a long day and even longer night and figured it would be best to go home to sleep - which leads me to this point.
Listening to esoterical banter about classical composers on CBC Radio 1, I was pensive all the way home. During the voyage I drove in slush that started to thicken as I drove to a higher altitude as I ventured along Prince Phillip Drive. I passed a guy carrying a shopping bag - who I pitied - wondering all the way until Mundy Pond Road, what the hell was so important for him to be out so late.
Going down Shaw's Lane I put the car in neutral. I usually let the car drift until she hit's 100KM going down the hill. Being slushy and all I decided against it and just settled for 80KM. Then made my way home.
I assume the guys left in the hotel room will figure I left early, but in fact I left premature. We're supposed to be going out for breakfast tomorrow - the whole bridal party.
Well that was my idea, and I've got response to the point that, that may not happen, but I know for sure us guys will be meeting up, as we have to do a final fitting for our tuxes tomorrow. I'm gonna have a feed of toutons and molasses at breakfast.
Anyhoo, I'm gonna go BBQ some Bologna before I go to bed. I will most likely eat it with mustard pickles and a lot of green olives avec pimento.

Joe will get a kick out of this - on account of the name!