Wednesday, May 23, 2012

It's Wednesday again

It’s Wednesday again.

Seems like Wednesday was yesterday. But yesterday was Tuesday and Wednesday was over a week ago.

I notice Fridays and Wednesday’s the most.

Friday is the beginning of the weekend.

Wednesday is either the end of my set of work days, the very beginning or the middle of my scheduled work days.

It seems as though I’m having déjà vu, however I know it’s the passing of time - time that I have wasted, an immense amount of time for which I have created nothing.

In my life I have wasted a lot of my time and potential. I have known times when I could have created something that would have done well, put my name on a small map but something that I thought of would have gone from something intangible to tangible.

Finally I have realized outlets for which I can create but yet I haven’t put it out there.

I’ve been told to pursue certain avenues, to publish here or to submit there. I’ve only pursued a very small amount of the things I could have.

On idle days such as these I could be doing so much, however in my dreams is where I spend most of my time. I read, I research, I expand my knowledge, I read more, I exhaust myself and then I sleep.

I sleep to dream, many times I set the alarm clock for a sensible hour and hit snooze 20 or more times at 10 minute intervals just so I can go back to the dreams. Each time I wake I bring with me knowledge from the dream, and for a brief moment it’s fresh and if I chose I can train it to memory.

Dreaming is what I have done.