I was excited to sleepover at my Nan’s, the first time in perhaps 20 years or more. It was always a place where sleep came easily and the sense of comfort and well being was omnipresent.
I was excited if it would bring me back to my childhood and the way my feet always felt warm in the bed and how the lights of the passing cars would create silhouettes on the ceiling and walls as they approached and then passed the house. Each time I heard a vehicle coming I would open my eyes and look toward the ceiling and walls but the silhouettes did not appear. A second time I heard a vehicle coming and did the same thing, and again no silhouettes. It was then that I realized there was no way for the light to shine upon the window as it did some 20 years ago because since then 2 houses have been built next to Nan’s house and they block the a view of the road. If one looked out the window back then it that gave the viewer a field of vision some several hundred uninterrupted feet. Now the nearest window is about 30 feet away and situated nearly right on the road.
Pity how things change.