Who? Who you say, who?
Only the President of the World Bank. I bet that guy has women throwing panties and bras at him all the time, he's like Jon Bon Jovi, in New Jersey circa 1993. Can you imagine all the women that guy gets?
Seriously,What a DORK . . . Figures! And that's the official "portrait", I can't believe he Okay'd this. Like where was his wife?
It's G20 weekend and I'm watching the public reaction unfold on TV protesting the summit.
But don't get the wrong idea, I'm not one of those "no underarm deodorant, army boot wearing, dreadlocked, marijuana smoking - I only drink fair trade coffee" fucking hippies.
I think some of those fuckers should be arrested for the whole duration of the G8 and G20 Summits, and arrested on a newly enacted (the previous night - just to make em mad) legislation that allows the Po Po to hold individuals viably, that are suspected of practicing anarchy, creating mayhem and disrupting public safety. Mob mentality is contagious!
Protest all you want but don't throw rocks and burn shit. Geez, I haven't thrown rocks since I was like 8 chasing Brian Bullen on my bicycle on Farm Road. I threw a rock at him (we all did, I didn't even hit him), only to lose balance, falling off my bike and skidding along the dirt road, skinning out the palms of my hands and knees and worst of all scraping my poor little pre-pubescent gonad pouch.
Minutes later, back at my house: "Mom I fell off my bike", Face cloth, dirt, little rocks, red tender skin, my scrotum, ointment, pain and my tears, not to mention regret.
I had a feeling from then on that you do wrong and something bad happens to you. In my case that philosophy has rarely failed.