I think Calgary is really starting to grow on me
It seems the weather is always favourable when I’m in town. It seems you guys always have a day off when I’m in town. It seems there's always something to do when I’m in town.
I don’t know why, but tea always tastes better when we drink it together. I don’t know why, but nachos always have just the right amount of cheese when we make them. I don’t know why, but the food is always best when the 3 of us pick up the food together.

It's nice to wake and walk down stairs to meet you guys in the kitchen or living room. It’s nice that the tea is ready and your Mom’s homemade bread is ready to turn into “my toast”. It’s nice that you would like to know what I want to do today. It’s nice that you want to know what I’d like to have for supper. It’s nice to be part of a home, and always feel more than welcome.

I truly love to walk into that room and see you guys there. I truly love to engage in conversation with you. I truly love that you are interested in what I have to say, and I love to say that I am interested in what you have to say. I truly love that you never grab a beer without asking me if I want one as well, even if we’re drinking Justin’s beer. I truly love the fact that the day revolves around me or at least you do a good job making it seem that way.
I like it how you call home from work to see how my day is going and that you guys will be home soon. I like it how there’s a spiced country loaf made in my honour, even if I didn’t get to eat it last time. I like it how every effort is made to accommodate any need I have, and how I never take unnecessary advantage of it. I like it how we are, or at least you are grown up, and we have real jobs now - not working in the fish plant’s blast freezer wearing that Umbro hat.
It’s funny, that I have had 2 identical hats as you.