I'm currently just outside of Tumbler Ridge, BC where the weather is astonishingly great. I got here a few days ago, after a 3 hour drive from Grande Prairie. The day before I left I drove from south of Grande Cache for 3 hours plus, where the weather was also incredibly great. The days are equipped with a constant blue sky and an infrequent gentle breeze. The warm sun on my face seems like summer and I have time to think about how fortunate I am to spend this winter in a place where the weather is abnormally kind. Sure it's usually in the minus but this winter has been amazing.
I told all my friends this winter would be different because I plan on wearing longjohns. I haven't worn longjohns since grade 4. But she was mighty cold a few times last year, like -38 for a week and a half on one job and pretty much the same on another job which lasted over 2 weeks. I worked with a guy who drank red bull like it was free, he would walk outside with a can and it would be frozen in less than 5 minutes. This occurred several times a night.
Its odd when the sun is beating on your face and its still -32. But this hasn't been the case this winter. I read an article in the Edmonton Sun about a conference on climate control and the keynote speaker was suggesting that we aren't going through global warming. I think he's wrong.
Alberta is known for it's cold winters, yet all I have seen in the past 5 years is that the winters are getting milder.
Do you know scientists haven't come to terms on how oil and gas deposits are formed.